Stolen identity!

In today’s society we all may have a fear about our identity being stolen by someone wanting our finacial information. Even though this is the topic we all may think of when we hear stolen identity, I challenge you to think about this differently. What about the identity of the chidren an youth in our society.

There are so many things in society that can alter our children and not always for the best ways. The culture of todays world is that you should never be happy with who you are,  you need to constantly compare yourself to some standard.  I know our country has a problem with obesity but it also has a problem portraying the true form of men and woman. Magazine covers altered to show ultra thin girls, or super buff men, runway models who starve themselves or hollywood stars who are not good role models but will get people to buy the magazines.

Parents must work double time to help their children navigate the good bad and ugly. Then if you are going to raise your child to be a Christian,  to have a belief in a higher power this can get even more complicated. Today’s general population does not always have a great view of Christians.  We are either too in your face or too aloof about our values and beliefs. Now I know I have a long way to go with my faith and walk with God. But I want my children to have solid beliefs that if questioned they can stand their ground. I just worry that society will try and take that from them.

Just like kids want to try and fit in with eachother by wearing cool clothes or getting the latest cellphone they want to fit in by not always exposing themselves as a Christian.  I struggled with this even as an adult. I have been gaurded with whom I share my faith with. Society has said it’s not ok to talk about your faith or be too churchy. As I have grown in my faith I met people who have taught me to not be afraid to talk about my beliefs. That it is ok to share my faith as that maybe what some people may need and if not I should not hide who I am.

I hope I can show this to my children and they can grow stong in thier faith and stand up against what society has deemed as the right way to look, dress,  think and believe.

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